australia · Tania de Jong AM

If the Medicine Works Shouldn’t We All Have Access to it? A Recent Poll of Australians Says Yes We Should

Written by Scott Leckie and Tania de Jong

(As published in The Daily Telegraph on 16th February 2022)

The painful COVID-era will fade but it will never be forgotten. This unanticipated period will be remembered for many things – death, suffering, economic and social disruptions and words like lockdown, iso, quarantine, social distancing, Zoom, omicron…


Covid: An Alternative Interpretation

(As published in The Spectator on 28th September 2021)

I recently saw this acronym for COVID.


I feel so sad about what Australia has become

Our politicians say things like “we are all Australians” and “we are all in this together”. We are NOT.

They hide behind secretive ‘health advice’ that has banned everything, from playgrounds to golf and sunsets, contrary to global scientific evidence. They keep children from attending school which has led to a crippling, devastating shadow pandemic of self-harm, mental illness and domestic violence. This will lead to lifetimes of suffering due to the inter-generational nature of trauma and mental illness.


Are we saving lives or destroying them?

(As published in The Spectator on 10th August 2021)

The great Albert Einstein said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. Our politicians and public servants need to find a new way of dealing with the pandemic which empowers rather than disempowers Australians. With premiers around the country demanding zero cases before they open borders and remove their draconian lockdowns, it is not surprising that people around the nation (and the world) wonder if Australia can ever get out of the mess our governments have created.


A Sad State of Affairs

(This article was originally published in the Herald Sun on October 10 2020)

I am really missing home, especially my Mum.  I miss my Melbourne; the way it was before this mess. I even miss my office and all the meetings I used to have. And I sure miss singing and connecting with audiences.

My husband and I came to NSW for a short holiday in June and here we still are, working and Zooming. Where we are, you’d never know there was a virus. People go about their lives. They go to school, bands and the beach and have friends over for parties, BBQs and dinner.  It reminds me how much I miss sharing happy times with friends and community.


Tania de Jong performing at an event

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